The Rocket Singh liplock saga -- Ranbir says they didn't, Shazahn says they did -- continues

She says they kissed. He says they didn't. We are talking about the kiss between the Rocket Singh Salesman Of The Year lead pair Shazahn Padamsee and Ranbir Kapoor.

While Ms Padamsee has been talking incessantly about this kiss in all her interviews. An irritated Ranbir has been denying the liplock. Says it was a 'cheat kiss.'
As per plans, Ranbir was supposed to share a lip-lock with Shazahn but the kiss was finally given a miss. In fact, the sequence that was very much a part of the script was finally not shot at all.

A source close to Kapoor says, "Ranbir agreed to fudge a kiss with Shazahn. In the sequence where the lead pair make out, they just pretend to kiss with the camera held at the back of Ranbir's head so he seems to be kissing. It looks like Shazahn will have to wait another time for that kiss with Ranbir." But the baffling mystery of Shazahn's excitement over smooching her hero when it never happened, will linger for while.

Shazahn says, "I don't know why such a big deal is being made about it. I was aware of the kiss right from the time the script came to me. Also Ranbir made me really comfortable and put me at ease. He was totally chilled out and relaxed.

We shot the kiss in a very professional manner, and it's not the easiest thing to do in front of hundreds of people standing before you. You have to make it believable for the audience, and kissing is a part of real life and the movies merely reflect that. So I don't think there should be so much discussion about the kiss."

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When told that Ranbir has been consistent in denying the kiss, she adds, "Well, the latest promo that's being aired on TV has a fleeting shot of it. It's not an all-out kiss, but more like a made-to-believe shot. I don't want to focus so much on the kiss, because Rocket Singh was an amazing experience for me, and I would rather think about the big picture than one particular scene.

Shazahn Padamsee

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